Find the crafter's corpse. ( -274, -22, -927 ) Copy/waypoint -274, -22, -927 and examine it (breaks invis).
Make sure you have at least 2 free slots in your inventory before advancing the next step. If not, the items in the corpse will not be put in your inventory.
Return to Scout Vazhda T'Larr. Make a fire with the wood behind him to begin preparing the food using the ingredients and Collapsible Cooking Kit provided ( -286, 11, -1246 ) Copy/waypoint -286, 11, -1246
Craft some Cabbage Stew for the Scout. (Use the items now in your inventory: 1 liquid, 1 baubbleshire cabbage, 1 raw root, 1 raw jum jum, 3 basic kindling)