EverQuest 2 Wiki
A MajDul Residence

Just a normal residency in Maj'Dul, ripe for the plundering!

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EverQuest II Instanced Zone Information
Introduced Desert of Flames
Level Range 50+
Zone in from Maj'Dul
Entrance is at

(see below)

Parent Zone None
Difficulty Solo
Failure Lockout None
Success Lockout None
Quests NPCs Monsters Names
Drops   POIs Discos

What does this information mean?


  • There are several entrances from Maj'Dul:
    • -260, 137, 48 ) Copy EQ2MAP POI - Outcasts' Ledge
    • -161, 138, 109 ) Copy EQ2MAP POI - near the Court of Tears
    • -143, 138, 134 ) Copy EQ2MAP POI - near the Court of Tears
    • 114, 143, 130 ) Copy - The Gilded Twilight Terrace
    • 8, 139, -55 ) Copy EQ2MAP POI - east of Midday Market
    • -45, 158, -192 ) Copy - next to the northern Guard Tower, on top of a building