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EverQuest 2 Quest Information
Journal Category Sundered Splitpaw
Introduced Splitpaw Saga
Journal Level Scales to a maximum level of 60 (Tier 0)
Journal Difficulty Solo
Starting Zone Sundered Splitpaw: Upper Tunnels more
How to Start Examine a mushroom in the Zygomyd Fungusmen area at ( 69, 6, -89 ) Copy.
part of: Splitpaw Saga Timeline
Preceded by:
Followed by:

What does this information mean?


  1. Pick 4 small purple mushrooms: ( 71, 4, -102 ) Copy
  2. Click the gnollish chest: ( -1, -3, -183 ) Copy
  3. Dry the mushrooms in the fire-pit: ( -97, -9, -162 ) Copy
  4. Use a hammer to pulverize the mushrooms:( -30, -12, -140 ) Copy
    • Enter the Zygomyd area and pull the last box up behind you
    • Place it at ( 62, 6, -84 ) Copy
    • Stand on the box to grab the plank on the ledge above
    • Place the plank at ( -13, -4, -54 ) Copy; rotate it so it spans as much of the gap to the north as possible
    • Fetch an exploding barrel from further in the zone, cross the plank and detonate it at the crumbling wall at ( -26, -9, -90 ) Copy
    • The area beyond contains heroic gnolls and the hammer. The hammer is lying on the ground between the wheelbarrow and the shovel, it can be hard to see and you may need to zoom in.

