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EverQuest 2 Quest Information
Journal Category Kylong Plains
Introduced Rise of Kunark
Journal Level 70 (Tier 8)
Journal Difficulty Heroic
Starting Zone Kylong Plains more
How to Start Speak with Anda, on a cliff overlooking The Dreadlands, at ( 1031, 164, -470 ) Copy EQ2MAP POI.
part of: Kylong Plains Timeline
Preceded by:
Followed by:
For a Few Coins More
NOTE: User_comment.png A discussion page exists which may contain more information

What does this information mean?


  1. Gather ancient bricks in Ryjesium Lake and next to Lakeshore Ruins. ( 569, -23, -51 ) Copy EQ2MAP POI
  2. Go to Teren's Grasp and try to sell the bricks to the following NPCs:
    • Grave2214, 480, -839 ) Copy EQ2MAP POI
    • Drazden2054, 520, -981 ) Copy EQ2MAP POI
  3. Locate and burn the following communiques, which appear as clipboards attached the side of trees or walls:
    • Crush and Swill Communique: ( 692, 286, -1133 ) Copy EQ2MAP POI
    • Drolvarg Communique: ( 878, 23, -375 ) Copy EQ2MAP POI
    • Drachnid Communique: ( 197, 62, 117 ) Copy EQ2MAP POI
    • Wyvern Communique: ( -124, 36, 109 ) Copy EQ2MAP POI
    • Krassik Communique: ( -193, 81, -561 ) Copy EQ2MAP POI
    • Seeping Ruins Communique: ( -1171, 13, -538 ) Copy EQ2MAP POI
  4. Locate and destroy listening crystals:
    • Gra'al Shul Temple, behind a brazier in the back right corner of the Temple: ( -2041, 93, -171 ) Copy EQ2MAP POI
    • Varis, in the room with Commander Vask: ( -522, 173, 40 ) Copy
    • Den of the Widow Mistress, southwest corner of the first chamber to the right: ( 478, 64, 176 ) Copy EQ2MAP POI
    • Ru'Kaus, on the top floor ledge, outside the middle window: ( 157, 111, 236 ) Copy EQ2MAP POI
  5. Return to Grave and Drazden.
  6. Go to the following locations, speak with the leader of each camp, and dispose of them all:
    • Ambassador Raflin, Freedom Ambassadors camp: ( 130, 8, -965 ) Copy
    • Toad, Jaded Shrouds camp: ( 397, 115, 341 ) Copy
  7. Return to Grave and Drazden.
    • Both of them warn you that they have heard that an assassin is looking for you. Grave tells you the assassin may be found skulking around Dreg's Landing. Drazden tells you he doesn't know where he is, but does know his name is Leevan.
    • Speak with Anda for the following quest. ( 1031, 164, -470 ) Copy EQ2MAP POI


  • At least 23g 51s 12c