Talk to Thumore D'armer ( 308, -22, -98 ) Copy/waypoint 308.08, -22.28, -97.78 in North Qeynos or ( -67, -24, -42 ) Copy/waypoint -67, -24, -42 in North Freeport
Thumore D'armer, a mysterious entity who I have assisted before within a dream plane, has appeared to me again! He told me of some troubled individuals, who cannot be woken from their dreams. He has sent me to enter their dreamscapes in an attempt to free them.
Find Azhar Ellonialis in West Freeport in the Freeport Militia House (upstairs laying on a cot ( 139, 1, 131 ) Copy/waypoint 139, 1, 131, click on him to enter his dream.
Find a way to wake Azhar Ellonialis from his dream
Kill ALL mobs (don't leave any or he won't talk to you) and make your way to Azhar ( -186, 12, -96 ) Copy/waypoint -186, 12, -96. Speak to him to update quest.
Note: if Azhar is not standing in his expected spot, type: /target Azhar, then hit your "H" key to hail him.
I should return to Thumore D'armer within the city of Qeynos or Freeport.
In Freeport ( -67, -24, -42 )
In Qeynos ( 308, -22, -98 )
Thumore D'armer told me of Werri Stonebolt, a troubled coldain within the city of New Halas. I should do what I can to rescue her from her nightmare.
Enter Werri Stonebolt's dream of Velious
Find Werri sleeping in New Halas ( -104, 148, 31 ) Copy/waypoint -104, 148, 31. Click on her to enter her dream.
Find a way to rescue Werri Stonebolt from her nightmare
Clear all mobs (same as above, kill them ALL) and then speak to Werri. ( -666, 117, 411 ) Copy/waypoint -666, 117, 411
I should return to Thumore D'armer within the city of Qeynos or Freeport.
This article refers to events, personae, items and activities only present in-game during the annual Heroes' Festival event. Heroes' Festival comes to Norrath for a short time, generally around the beginning of November.