EverQuest 2 Wiki
For other articles with related titles, see a Crushbone emissary.
A Crushbone emissary (Greater Faydark)

A Crushbone emissary (Greater Faydark)

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EverQuest II Monster Information
Race: Orc
Level: 17▼▼-20 Tier 3 Solo Aggressive Social
Class: Brigand
Zone: Greater Faydark
Location: (see below)

What does this information mean?


Unlike other Crushbone orcs, emissaries do not have a spawning area dedicated solely to them. They spawn among other orcs. They are not required for any quests, making their relative rarity not an issue.

  • Among the Crushbone Expedition orcs, 17vv
  • As part of a single shared spawn at ( -840, 93, -104 ) Copy, 18vv
  • Throughout the Clan Crushbone area

