Zubsugg, a Sootfoot goblin in Lavastorm, is smitten with another goblin, by the name of Gortblor, and has asked me to obtain cinder asp skins. He thinks they are the perfect gift to convince Gortblor to be his mate.
The asps are located between Goblet of Ro ( -701, -11, -243 ) Copy/waypoint -701, -11, -243 and the Wounds ( -664, -79, 58 ) Copy/waypoint -664, -79, 58.
The asps are non-aggro until you come quite close to them, when they respawn into an aggro mob at your level.
This article refers to events, personae, items and activities only present in-game during the annual Erollisi Day festivities, which come to Norrath each year for a short time roughly around February 14th.