EverQuest 2 Wiki
EverQuest 2 Wiki
The mobs listed below share spawn points. If you need more of one, kill the others to improve spawn chances.
a Bloodsaber assassin, a Bloodsaber highguard, a Bloodsaber inquisitor

A Bloodsaber inquisitor (human)

a Bloodsaber inquisitor (human)

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EverQuest II Monster Information
Race: Multiple Races (see below)
Level: 24-25 Tier 3 Solo Aggressive
Class: Inquisitor
Zone: The Crypt of Betrayal
Association: Bloodsabers
Location: Northeast section of the zone, around Kane Bayle's tomb ( 15, 0, -161 ) Copy EQ2MAP POI

What does this information mean?

A Bloodsaber inquisitor (dark elf)

a Bloodsaber inquisitor (dark elf)

Related quests[]


  • Possible races Dark Elf, Human