What does this information mean?
- Destroy the First Ballista within the Arch of Tormax at ( -1050, 121, -151 ) Copy/waypoint -1050, 121, -151

- Destroy the Second Ballista within the Arch of Tormax at ( -1062, 149, -234 ) Copy/waypoint -1062, 149, -234

- Destroy the Third Ballista within the Arch of Tormax at ( -1113, 175, -302 ) Copy/waypoint -1113, 175, -302

- Destroy the Fourth Ballista within the Arch of Tormax at ( -1177, 198, -351 ) Copy/waypoint -1177, 198, -351

- Destroy the Fifth Ballista within the Arch of Tormax at ( -1271, 229, -365 ) Copy/waypoint -1271, 229, -365

- Report to Josiah Lindon in the Nobles District at ( -814, 105, -25 ) Copy/waypoint -814, 105, -25
- At least 48g 35s 24c
- One of the Following:
EQ2i credits EQ2 ZAM for some of the info in this article.