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EverQuest 2 Quest Information
Journal Category World Event  (AA)
Introduced Shattered Lands
Journal Level Scales with player level
Journal Difficulty Solo
Starting Zone see Starting the Quest below
How to Start Talk to Banyun in The Commonlands or Efiusia in Antonica

What does this information mean?

Dragon attack 2019 15th annievrsay eq2

After the dragon is slain during the Dragon Attack event, tradeskillers must harvest supplies from the corpse.


When the dragon attacks occur, look for announcements in General Chat. You will need to travel to the spire locations and participate in the world-event effort to slay the dragons.

  • There is no need to group or join a raid party to participate.
  • After the dragon is slain, you will harvest the materials for crafting.
  • You must dismount to gather resources from the slain dragon. When you have all of them, a message will tell you can't gather more.
  • Before you can craft the item, you will also need special fuel which you can get from Fendi Wehn (Antonica) or Periun Wehn (The Commonlands).
  • When you are ready to craft, there are also Workbenches around each monument area in Antonica and The Commonlands.


  1. Create one of three items below:
  2. Return to Banyun in The Commonlands or Efiusia in Antonica for your reward

