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Diviners and Conquer
ジャーナルカテゴリ Zek, the Scourge Wastes
レベル 100 Tier 10
難易度 ソロ
開始ゾーン Zek, the Scourge Wastes基本セット
開始方法 a cleansed rivulet near the center of Spirit Lake ( -64, -4, -92 )
Zek, the Scourge Wastesクエストシリーズ
Spiraling Situation
Repair and Despair




Animated silvril shard

annealed silvril shard

  1. the Grove of Stones ( 210, 14, 103 ) /waypoint 210, 14, 103.でannealed silvril shardsを12集める.
  2. Spirit Valley 北西の Strategy Gate で Scourge orcs を4匹倒す.
  3. Timberlands の西で( -94.80, -28.58, 147.51 ) /waypoint -94.80, -28.58, 147.51 Scourge orcs を4匹倒す.
  4. A cleansed rivulet に報告
  5. シャードを Spirit Valley 南の Spire Basin にあるウルテランスパイアへ持って行く
  6. スパイアの残骸をクリック.


a clear rivuletと会話

Ally xxxx, water flows through land but not the only stream. Help all flows in land!

What oher streams flow through Scourge Wastes?

Ancient and arcane Unseen but felt Stone ring focus. Stone ring held.

Oh, the druid ring

Broken by orcish might the stones toppled and the flow did burst!

It figures they were behind it.

Silvril pulls the arcane flow. Good for ring but disruptive for sprites. Now it rests, shattered in the valley. Their defenses unstable and weak.

A compnent of the broken druid is unbalancing the sprites` magical defenses?

Ally xxxx hears and knows. Orcs threaten theflow of all. Dispenseof the other-realm’s beasts and gather the Silvril. Aid the sprites of Jaggedpine.

I’ll help the sprite


『An ancient water spirit explained to me that a component of the broken druid rings is unbalancing the sprites’ magical defenses, thus stopping them from being able to successfully fight off the Scourge.』


  • 1p 53g 9s 13,200sp
  • Reconstructed Standard Crit Bonus Warforged Infuser
  • One of the following:
    • Annealed Silvril Hoop
    • Annealed Silvril Stud
    • Annealed Silvril Link