| ||||||||||
NPCの種族 |
0-9 | ABC | DEF | GHI | JKL | MNO | PQRS | TUV | WXYZ | ▲ |
あ | か | さ | た | な | は | ま | や | ら | わ |
総ページ数 (916)
- Abner Siblet
- Acting Lieutenant Germain
- Adam Cogbuster
- Agarighus
- Agata
- Agent Blenkoweeble
- Agent Grisscob
- Agent Sidleworth
- Agent Willsprock
- Agtak
- Ahnha Leeshadow(NPC)
- Alameth Ludd
- Alchemist Yallessul
- Alden Strongaxe
- Aleeshi Monala
- Altius Volfban(ホロウ・ヘッジ)
- Alucius Valus
- Amares D'Venhz
- Amazu Kharliko
- Ambassador Zozor
- Amber Walker
- Anda
- Andret Surtees
- Angered Fayfly
- Angler
- Anniisi Illari
- Anrev Kaelyna
- Antonia Bayle
- Apprentice Neemari
- Aqua Goblin Oracle
- The Arachnomechanicon
- Arawen
- Aristide Calais
- Arrna Champion Kraz'k
- Assistant Alchemist Zurkum
- Athinae Panteraas
- Avatar of Below (NPC)
- Aymee Quickspoke
- Bahati Linnxar
- Balor the Primeval(アンダーデプス)
- Batarra
- Bathezid's Watch vanguard
- Baubbleshire rat
- Belazzor Fribles, the Inept
- Big Bend rat
- Bilvee Hummingwing
- Bindo Frugrin
- Bitter
- Blat Berisen
- Blinik Belestro
- Blisterzonk
- Bloodscrew the Surgeon
- Blurrp Braveblade
- Borbin Happens
- Brahnagan MacLahnan
- Brandus Levine
- Brodo Gillywump
- Broken Clockwork Gnome
- Brom Knotwood
- Bronlor Stormhammer
- Brownie Elder
- Brulten Hiltstill
- Burm Grunthor
- Camfred
- Cannix Silverflame
- Captain Arellius
- Captain Gnoggin
- Captain O.C. Irontoe
- Captain R.K. Irontoe
- Captain Steelforge
- Captain Stonnacky
- Captured mountain throm
- The Caretaker(モンスター)
- Celeria Glandowin
- Chesem Sharpeye
- Chief Torturer Goortz
- Chullyk Mi'xin
- Clarissa Cloudpuff
- Claudette Woodbridge
- Clockwork Custodian LXV
- Clockwork CXXV
- Clockwork Reclaimer
- Cog Burn
- Commissioner Dogweed
- Conflagrator Belkreiz Blazeclaw
- Cornail Stormwrath
- Corruptor Thurizil
- Count Jooliin
- Crazed scarecrow
- The Creator of Shadows
- Cricks
- Criggle Cloudpuff
- Crusty rustbeast
- Cursed Elf
- Cvaka Zichovani
- Krozk Bonebraka